Armor won't help the heart stay sharp! Shellbust Stab!
OK, so instead of doing
December 16, 2003OK, so instead of doing any work this morning, I decided to figure out the chords to Grandaddy’s «Lost On Yer Merry Way» and to arrange Weezer’s «Say It Ain’t So» and Travis‘ «Baby One More Time» as waltzes. Is there anything particularly wrong with that? At least I got my study abroad application for next summer handed in yesterday. Chalk up one thing I didn’t completely fuck up this semester. Wheo!
Song of the Moment: «Let’s Get Retarded» — Black Eyed Peas
Posted 09:17 in General | 4 Comments
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Where do you want to go for study abroad??
As the magic floaty text says, Dublin: magical land of leprechauns Guinness.
Oh, OK. Mmm, Guinness…speaking of which, I think I’m supposed to do a car bomb tonight. I’ll let you know how THAT goes. :-)
Remember, you have to chug carbombs or they turn into something with the most vile consistency ever. They are delicious though… when you’re done with yours, drink another one for me. ;)