Destiny lies in my hands! Stop movement! Galaxy Stop!
Having a keg (!) of
January 11, 2004Having a keg (!) of Guinness somewhere means you end up leaving much later than you expected to. I’ll have to keep that in mind, for future reference. Also for future reference: the White Rose diner in Highland Park seems to do awful things to my digestive tract.
And now it’s time for me to go on a ski trip. Wheo. After patiently explaining to my mother that I know how to pack for this trip, what with this being my fourth time on it and everything, I very cleverly packed in what may be the worst possible fashion. I won’t need anything besides jellybeans this week, will I? For my sake, I sure hope not.
Catch you suckers on the flip side.
Posted 03:20 in General | 2 Comments
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well once you come back, then we have to arrange for me to send you a proper, finished copy of servant. yeah, i finally got it done, believe it or not.
Hah, yeah, I know exactly what you mean about leaving a lot later than you expected… I didn’t get back to Boston until about midnight last night…