
May 13, 2004

I wish I were asleep right now. Really, I do.

Six hours ago I went to sleep after my last day of schoolwork at Cooper kept me awake for 32 hours or thereabouts. Then I woke up. It’s kind of funny that I’m capable of sleeping 12 or 16 hours in one go unless I really need to. As it is, I can tell you that waking up exhausted is not very fun.

Of course, on the plus side, nearly all of my obligations for school are met now, so I can relax a bit, maybe. I still need to do some very very important things, however, so

Fuck it, I got sick of writing this. Just remember that McSorley’s cheese platters are the best food in the world.

Song of the Moment: «Fade to Black» — Fade to Bluegrass

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