Scatter your chilly sharp blades! Ice!
Oh for heaven’s sake
September 22, 2005Google News just greeted me with this interesting pair of articles:
- Wash your hands more! Get rid of those pesky germs!
- Oh dear, where are all these drug-resistant bacteria coming from?
I’m aware that the rise in vaccine-resistant flu cases (primarily in Asia) has nothing to do with America’s rising pansy-assedness and the associated constant ubiquitous use of antibacterial cleaners, that won’t stop me from drawing a possibly flawed conclusion from this.
To their credit, the site with that “wash your hands” article links, at the bottom of the page, to “ohshi antibiotics are being overused” and “hey maybe we need some germs after all“.
Sadly though, cutting back on human overuse of antibiotics won’t solve a damn thing, when this shit keeps going on. Fucking cattle. Fucking factory farms. Fucking petrochemical industry.
Song of the Moment: «No More Mosquitoes» — Four Tet
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