Heavenly bolts, bring God's justice! Bolt3!
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July 24, 2007- The other day I was walking down the sidewalk, and a guy was coming the other way with his 3-or-4-year-old perched on his shoulders. As we passed each other, I overheard a brief snippet of their conversation. The father told the child, “…then you say ‘I’ll beat you up!’,” and the child dutifully repeated “Ah be chu up!”
Did I mention this took place at around 11pm? - I should marry the AFI Silver cinematheque, since I seem to love it so much, or at least become a member so each film becomes slightly less expensive. I’ve seen four movies there in the past three weeks, and probably at least a dozen this year, all of them very good.
- As it happened, I got in to work early yesterday, and thus got out early as well—early enough to hightail it over to the abovementioned cinema in time (or nearly in time) for a 4:30 matinée showing of And Justice For All. I’ve always enjoyed going to the movies by myself, and it turns out that what’s even better than that is being the only person in the room, and having what amounts to a completely private screening on a full-size screen. (And what’s even better than that is getting a pint of NELSON from the concession stand before your private screening.)
I was enjoying the act of enjoying the movie so much, I almost forgot to enjoy the movie. - In other news, I’ve reached a new level of complacency and consumer-whoredom. Not only am I not spending this week in a tent in the woods, but I also recently acquired a half-stake in an LCD HDTV. So it goes.
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