Scatter frozen blades of air! Clops!
Jesus fuck.
September 11, 2008Are the fire hydrants in your neighborhood turned on?
He explains all the district’s hydrants, including those in Alexander Ranch, have had their water turned off since just after 9/11 – something a trade association spokesman tells us is common practice for rural systems.
“These hydrants need to be cut off in a way to prevent vandalism or any kind of terrorist activity, including something in the water lines,” Hodges said.
But Hodges says fire departments know, or should have known, the water valves can be turned back on with a tool.
. . .
The neighborhood association’s now working to get the tools in the hands of homeowners, as an extra precaution.
I can’t get over how absurd this is. I mean, come on.
H/t Bruce Schneier.
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