Nicht zu schnell.

April 17, 2004

It was only in the past month that I realized just how incredible the Stooges were and how much I liked Fun House. Perhaps they’re ancient, and perhaps finding them novel has been out of fashion for quite some time. Perhaps the same is true about Gustav Mahler and his Symphony No. 5 in C-sharp minor, introduced to me within the past week. Fuck it, I’m listening to both Iggy and Gus with fresh ears, and doing my best to appreciate them for what they are. It is appropriate, then, that my playlist is filled with Detroit’s dirtiest and Austria’s most heroic when I come across the following:

If I were in a perverse mood, I’d say that the “Eroica” is the raw, thuggish thing—a blast of ego and id—whereas a song like Radiohead’s “Everything in Its Right Place” is all cool adult irony.

Thank you, The New Yorker. And thank you, Wired, for pointing me to the above. As far as Shuffle goes, however, all the waxing poetic in the world can’t hide the fact that far more random transitions are shitty than are sublime.

Song of the Moment: «Dirt» — The Stooges


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