Out of the ground, raze all greenery with flame! Fire2!
Note to self: Ten beers
April 11, 2003Note to self: Ten beers on Wednesday night = sleep through Grossman on Thursday.
Herr Kurrik was in town today, and we discovered that the bar in the Eesti Maja isn’t open at 4 PM for some reason.
I started playing FF Tactics again, this time with the restriction that all my characters are thieves and will remain so for the entirety of the game. Plus they can only use thief abilities. It’s pretty fun (and looks gorgeous thanks to the magic of ePSXe) and plays quite differently from a regular game.
Tomorrow I’ll be sending in résumés and cover letters for a bunch of NYC internships; hopefully one or more application will be successful so I can be making a cool 3 Benjamins a week this summer.
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Comments work? Alright.
Let's just make sure multiple comments come out looking OK
Further tweaking…
But you can still get good pastries!
You're right, I *can* still get good pastries! Thanks for reminding me