Armor won't help the heart stay sharp! Shellbust Stab!
There’s nothing quite like an
June 24, 2003There’s nothing quite like an evening with your mother and her best friend that includes 6 pints of Guinness and a reading of Ulysses, all brought to you by the friendly folks at the Swift Hibernian Lounge over on East 4th.
There’s also nothing quite like a sentence as full of tooltips as the previous one. Nor is there anything very much like Hawksley Workman‘s recent release, (last night we were) the delicious wolves, unless you count his previous work. It’s good and all, and his voice has some kind of oddly enjoyable beauty despite its quirks, but the man is obviously quite insane, not that I’m complaining.
Soon, as if by magic, a nice digital camera should be arriving at my doorstep. How I loathe the internet and credit cards.
Final non-sequitur of the moment: the story of the luckiest man in the world. He survives various automobile and even airplane crashes, along with 4 marriages, then goes on to win the lottery. Truly, a model for us all.
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