Open 7 doors to reach the tower of power! Ultima!
Back from Mexico. Perhaps some
July 15, 2003Back from Mexico. Perhaps some commentary on that will follow eventually. Also back from LIELS. Aren’t I a bit young to be feeling as old as I did there? Little kids running around with responsibilities and priveleges; it really felt awkward. Now for some signs I’ve noticed that I’m becoming an old man:
- I marvel at how children have grown, and occasionally inform them that I knew them when they were “only this tall.” Then they look at me the way they might look at a particularly dusty septuagenarian who was incapable of locomotion without a walker.
- While in Mexico, a political entity that currently exists, a few times I noticed striking resemblances between it and the Soviet Union, a political entity that has not existed in years.
- The NES is 20 years old today. Did you know that there are children around today who may have never had a chance to play a Nintendo game? The very thought makes me want to fire off a bitter, longwinded letter to the editor, after I sit in my rocking chair for a spell.
- It’s been about 4 years since Radiohead’s Animal Accessory was released. And it’s been about 10 years since Radiohead’s Pablo Honey was released.
- I remember what Ecto Cooler tastes like.
- I’ve been going to work semi-regularly lately, and happy hour at the Alehouse even more regularly lately.
- I’ve played every incarnation of Nintendo’s Game Boy.
- I’ve been kept up at night sometimes by the harrowing realization that I might, deep down, actually give a crap about something. ::shudder::
Anything else anybody can name? I’m sure my incipient Alzheimer’s has made me forg
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