Armor won't help the heart stay sharp! Shellbust Stab!
Well, I just lost faith
July 26, 2003Well, I just lost faith in absolutely everything. Not only is it apparently possible to be born with 3 legs, 2 penises, and no anus, but public flag-desecration now apparently qualifies as a political campaign tactic. And let’s not forget the fact that the fortune in the cookie I just ate was a fucking Snapple advertisement. I have no problem with a fortune-cookie company putting lucky numbers, or ‘learn to speak Chinese, or their logo or web site inside my rather flavorless treats, but must every surface in the world be advertised upon?
On the other hand, though, I’ve regained some faith in an area where I’d lost everything: Space Moose. That link right there takes you to a place that used to be the world’s foremost repository of Space-Moosey goodness, until all the content on the site mysteriously disappeared some time ago. Thankfully, as I learned yesterday, one or two sites on teh intarweb collected archives of Adam Thrasher’s demented genius. In the mood to read about the whacky [sic] adventures of a bisexual, misanthropic Canadian moose who absolutely loves Star Trek? I recommend these fine examples of pure hilarity.
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