So there I was, sitting

July 30, 2003

So there I was, sitting in Peter Cooper Park earlier today, reading the Voice and eating the pair of guaco locos that constituted today’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner, when all of a sudden I got a snippet of a song stuck in my head. It seemed hauntingly familiar, and I knew I’d heard it recently. There I was, humming along to the disembodied tune, when it hit me: this was no ordinary song I was remembering, it was the ultra-rare flamenco version of Eric Clapton’s “Layla”. The reason it’s so rare is that it only exists in my memories, and in a dream I had last Saturday night.

The dream opened with Eric Clapton alone on a stage, wearing a blue mariachi costume. He was clearly Eric Clapton, but he’d put on a lot of weight and let his beard and hair get all unkempt, so he ended up looking an awful lot like Richard Stallman. Well, in any case, he was playing the intro riff to “Layla” on a 12-string acoustic. When he got through the intro, two Mexican guys, dressed just like Clapton, appeared on stage brandishing classical guitars. The two new guys played a bunch of fills and stuff while Eric Clapton somehow managed to simultaneously play the lead and rhythm-guitar parts. And “Layla” was made into a flamenco song, like the Gipsy Kings might play. And it was a hell of a catchy song. Now I only wish Eric Clapton would record this song, because I swear it works really well.

Song of the Moment: “Layla” — Eric Clapton & The Mariachi Bunch

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