And so it came to

August 1, 2003

And so it came to pass, on the first day of the month of August, in the year of our Lord 2003, that I’ll be away for a while, so this shitty blog shall return to its usual state of me not updating it, since pine forests aren’t known for their internet connectivity. Once I reëmerge from my wonderful self-inflicted prison of blissful, isolated misery, this shitty blog may or may not return to its recent state of me updating it surprisingly frequently. And then I go see Radiohead at the ‘Meriwether Post Pavilion’, whatever that is. Hopefully I’ll find that out in time.

In other news, go and read One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Also, listen to the Moog Cookbook’s cover “Buddy Holly.” Warning: I wouldn’t recommend reading the former while listening to the latter, since I’m pretty sure it would make your face explode.

Song of the Moment:The Sinister Minister” — Bela Fleck & the Flecktones

1 Comment

  • Laurel says:

    On the umlauts…in the words of somebody else possibly in the Atlantic Monthly, "This is apparently sophisticated, although why it is sophisticated to appear 136 years old, I do not know."

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