Spirits behind breeze.... wipe out all evil magic! Despair 2!
Today was a Wednesday. My
August 27, 2003Today was a Wednesday. My first Wednesday in the city since a few weeks ago, in fact. As such, the late dinner at the Alehouse felt quite appropriate. Abbreviated, but appropriate. Speaking of which, there’s some cranberry juice in my fridge that looks awfully lonely…
What else happened today? I finished making a mix CD, into whose creation I put far far far too much effort. I can only hope that the relevant parties appreciate that fact. I also started work on my newest domain-name-related project. You can, should you like, see some mildly interesting things at http://www.pildid.net/radiohead… Stuff like short, low-quality bootleg videos of Radiohead’s concert at Merriweather Post Pavilion.
I’m never again restringing a guitar ‘just because the strings are old’, as it’s simply not worth it. Wait till a string snaps, I say. I broke that rule yesterday, only to have a bridge pin fly out and disappear, leaving me sans low E string until today, when I had to go two music stores to even be able to buy an 80¢ replacement. To top it all off, the new high E string I put on yesterday decided to snap today, apparently purely out of spite, so I had to dig my old dirty one out of the trash in a fit of ghettoness.
Speaking of 80¢, I discovered today that I’ve been wasting my life making the cent sign. While trying to find the alt-number key combination for ‘ñ‘ I made my way past alt-155, which produces the same result as alt-2536987412536987 with an assload less keypressing. Such is life, I suppose.
Song of the Moment: «Señor Burns» — The Simpsons
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ha! ¢! ñ! …did you read all of mine? c'est stupid, non? c'est barbant, oui. mais quelquefois c'est interessant. …quelquefois. if it were more worth it, i'd ask you to advertise. juh-hei!
Done and done, Punamütsike. Your ad's iñ plaçe.