In other news, there’s nothing

August 30, 2003

In other news, there’s nothing like living in New York. People throw away all kinds of great, useful stuff which can be yours for the price of hauling it back to your apartment. Zoidberg‘s monitor, for instance. Or the fucking wheelchair I just snagged.

It was just sitting on the curb across the street, with some junk on top of it — I figure some invalid must have either died or been moved to a nursing home or something. There was one of those toilet chairs next to the wheelchair, too. I didn’t take that.

Song of the Moment: “Concrete Schoolyard” — Jurassic 5

1 Comment

  • punamütsike says:

    you should bring that to laager next year. see how many people you can convince that you became disabled over the course of the year. and hey, i bet some of the morons there might fall for it!

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