Want to see just how

September 3, 2003

Want to see just how little people care? Try to buy some beer, show a fake ID with one name on it, then pay with a debit card that has a different name on it. Nobody gives a shit. Sure makes my life easier…

In other news, Blogger‘s been acting up lately, and IE refuses to let people read certain entries in my blog. Sure makes my life more annoying…

In yet more news, Scratch that. What I’m about to tell you isn’t news; it’s been the case for years. Pinkerton is a work of genius. Go and listen to it.

Song of the Moment: “Why Bother?” — Weezer


  • Punamütsike says:

    does your ID by any chance say that you're a 220-lb., middle-aged black man named cassius bernard, and the credit card read the name ants mõtspalo? 'cause if so, well, i know whose wallets those came from.

  • Punamütsike says:

    hahaha, i'm just kidding.

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