How does Dean Weir intend

September 5, 2003

How does Dean Weir intend on ensuring regular attendance for his ‘Decadence & Modernity’ class? By promising that during some unspecified future class, we will enjoy an absinthe-tasting party. Yeah…

The trek to Brooklyn last night was well worth it, except for the whole wasted hour waiting for subway trains at 5:30 in the morning. Also except for the fact that I’m going to have that fucking door in my nightmares for the rest of my life. Where did it come from? Why was it there? Why was it trying to suck me in?

I can’t wait… I get to spend this weekend with an awesome person, see Cake perform, and blow off everybody who’s going on the Cooper Cruise. What a wonderful time I’ll be having!

Song of the Moment: Flash Man’s music — Mega Man 2

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