‘Twas a good day. Aerodynamics

September 12, 2003

‘Twas a good day. Aerodynamics in the morning, followed by a series of short films about September 11th. This was followed by a meal at Quizno’s, which was greatly aided by this coupon.

That was followed by another instance of Decadence class, after which I talked to someone who I’d thought had disappeared off the face of the earth. As it turned out, she was just wrangling cattle in the Middle West. Who’d have thunk? Not me!

In other news, I discovered, after drinking some beer with some friends (none of whom is the least bit gay), that Wall St. is a great place for football at 2 in the morning.

Toss in some non-shitty developments on Friendster, and you’ve got yourself a wholly adequate day.

Also, thanks for those who responded to my last update. You will be the last against the wall when the revolution comes.


  • Punamütsike says:

    football, eh? i suck at football. but it sounded fun. i had an urge during chem to get sparky. no pop tarts were around, though. …by the way,i told you about my 7th grade adventure; those words are from waay back then. yep.

  • Punamütsike says:

    by the way, did i tell*

  • Arne says:

    those pictures are amazing… I would show you my pics playing football in the Eesti Wall St. except for the fact that THERE'S NOT EESTI WALL ST!

  • Arne says:

    wow, I can't spell for shit…

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