Innocent sword, slash evils and protect! Kiyomori!
So there I was, having
October 1, 2003So there I was, having just finished reading Bertrand Russell‘s «Why I Am Not A Christian» when, as was my wont, I decided to read this week’s issue of The Onion. (If you’re looking for some kind of logical progression there, don’t bother.)
Anyway, after reading the «In the News», «STATshot», «News In Brief», and «What Do You Think?» sections (and the horoscopes), I clicked my way over to the «Infographic». What greeted me there was, as promised, an infographic about the NYSE, but there was also the more sinister presence of this picture, in a box conveniently labeled ‘advertisement’. Go on, look at it the picture. I mean it, I’m not going to continue until you do look at it.
Well, now that you’ve looked at this picture, perhaps you can justify its existence. If so, please enlighten me.
Why in the name of all that is holy is the History Channel airing a show called “Extreme History“… starring Roger freaking Daltrey. What committee came up with the idea to take the story of Lewis & Clark, call it ‘extreme’, and sign on a former lead singer as the host? What demographic are they trying to appeal to? Baby boomers are the ones who give a rat’s ass about band members of The Who, but they’re not the type of person to go apeshit in their enthusiasm for the word ‘extreme‘, and I doubt anybody really cares about Lewis & Clark (which is a real tragedy).
I have nothing against Roger Daltrey, or the History Channel for that matter, but this show just seems remarkably ill-planned. I think the History Channel has entirely given up on attracting female viewership, as most of their shows are about the history of stabbings or prostitution or jet fighters or something, and this new show just looks like another half-hearted attempt at getting more guys to watch the channel. Calling it ‘extreme’ just makes it seem like they’re trying to stay ‘hip’ and ‘with it’ and ‘relevant’ and ‘poppin’ fresh’, which, when combined with a rock star from the 1960’s seems almost comically mismatched. Daltrey looks so miserable in that picture, dressed up like Crocodile Dundee, that I really feel sorry for the guy. Lo, how the mighty have fallen.
Song of the Moment: «Behind Blue Eyes» — The Who
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aren’t those popups just the funniest things? like my lifejacket thing, which i found at canada.com. yup. but i totally see your point with the whole daltrey/lewis & clark thing. …x-treem… i dunno whether to laugh or just cry.