All becomes illusion after this evening-bell! Space Storage!
Whoa. I’ve got a few
October 9, 2003Whoa. I’ve got a few thing to say, but first things first. Those first things being that eating 9 servings of Fritos™ brand corn-based snack-type foodstuffs in one sitting is NOT a good idea.
Know what’s fun? Lending a professor a copy of Playboy. (For an article, duh.)
Know what’s not fun? Writing a paper you really don’t want to write on a topic that fills you with nothing but ennui.
Looks like the Yanks and Bosox will have split the first 2 games, barring some kind of wacky miracle. Things could be worse.
Song of the Moment: «Imaginary Lines» — Badly Drawn Boy
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my w.h. teacher said she used an aritcle from playboy for a government class she taught once. it was pretty funny. …so i believe you. sorta.