Yay! Sore throat time! w00t.

October 11, 2003

Yay! Sore throat time! w00t. Maybe a 45-minute shower would cure me, but I don’t know if I’m man enough to take on that challenge. We can’t all be such paragons of virtue.

I read an interesting essay on the web and what makes it work. Read it for yourself, it’s not long, but in the spirit of the essay, I’m now going to link to this guy whose blog I read occasionally. I disagree with him on just about everything, but I appreciate the effort he puts into his analysis, and that he sticks to his guns. Good for him, I says. Equal Time considerations make me feel like also linking to this blog and this one. Enjoy.

Song of the Moment: «Everyone Has to Eat» — Unbelievable Truth


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