Revenge with dark-evil spell! Demi!
Hey, anybody remember the ALCS
October 13, 2003Hey, anybody remember the ALCS game last saturday? I found a quote from this story quite poignant:
That replay of the Pedro Martinez-Don Zimmer affair is on TV more than “Law and Order” reruns.
Cuz, like, you know, there’s a hell of a lot of Law & Order reruns on the teevee. Anyway, is major league baseball jealous of the California recall? Is there some kind of competition for ‘Most Absolutely Ludicrous News Story of October’ that I wasn’t aware of?
In other news, I’d have left a comment on Lukas’ blog about how much I enjoyed seeing the beautiful piece of bastardliness that he linked to, but as it turns out I’m far too lazy to jump through the hoops required to post comments there. So I’ll just post comments here, instead, I guess.
Song of the Moment: «Erase/Rewind» — The Cardigans
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thanks for reminding me about that cardigans song.