Yay! Throat’s fine, now the

October 13, 2003

Yay! Throat’s fine, now the illness has transmogrified itself into a head cold. Fucking awesome, what a blast. I mean, I like the fact that my throat stopped hurting, especially since I ran out of lozenges today, but there’s really few things in life I enjoy less than an incessantly drippy nose.

Also yay: despite being an incompetent clod, I made somebody’s day a little bit brighter. If only the advice I gave myself were as helpful and well-intentioned… Ah well, such is life.

Bittorrent’s at it again — Kashmir is a fucking awesome band. Too bad they’re only available to be shipped to the European Union. Dammit! If only I had plans to go to the European Union in the near future, then maybe I’d be able to pick up a copy of Zitilites.

Song of the Moment: «Surfing the Warm Industry» — Kashmir


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