Earth-minded soul, protect us! Golem!
Hey all. I wish I
October 22, 2003Hey all. I wish I weren’t such a lazy lazy lazy lazy fuck. MEs, you know what I mean. Not that you’re surprised, most likely. I did move appreciably today, inasmuch as it was necessary to take my EID370 midterm, and I guess it’s now time for me to rearrange my squalor a little bit, so I can fit in my bed and proceed to sleep for a frankly implausible length of time. See you in Wei’s class tomorrow, I hope.
In other news, my useless review of Muse’s Absolution is finally complete.
Song of the Moment: «The Stranger» — Billy Joel
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all i can say is:
It did take you long enough! Oh, and get ready for some American-contained-in-Estonia-action this weekend, you jablashta…!