Say good-bye to your souls.... Bio3!
I’m currently pregaming for my
October 30, 2003I’m currently pregaming for my decadence class, which will feature the presence of a certain green fairy tonight. All’s well that ends well, and hopefully all that starts and continues well is well as well.
Tomorrow at this time I’ll most likely be in a Volvo en route to the Mid-Atlantic Gaming Fest 2003, dressed as Luigi. ::takes a swig of Hollandia:: At least it’s got Luigi colours, I suppose.
Speaking of beer, my days of underage drinking are coming to an end. And that’s upsetting. I mean, what’s the point to drinking when you’re 21? It just seems to miss the point a little.
In other news, täna Hr Lembit Kütt mulle kenasti seletas et kuigi tema harilikult ei kirjuta õpilastele ülikooli soovituskirje, tema kirjutaks neid mulle hea meelega. Professoriga rääkida eluplaanidest Eesti keeles tundub veidi imelik, aga samal ajal tore. So Arne, you’re not the only one with that luxury.
Welp, time to get my clothes from the dryer.
Song of the Moment: «Crestfallen» — Plus Minus
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thanks for the cool shizzle.
she trips on anything in
thanks for the cool shizzle.
she trips on anything in
Not a luxury! I have no idea of what they’re fucking saying!