Here's my hatred and charm... Lifebreak!
What follows is a vain
November 7, 2003What follows is a vain attempt at recreating the peerlessly beautiful entry I had a minute ago, before Blogger ate it.
Just so you’re all aware, this dude is one sick fucking motherfucker, as evidenced by his decision to host some hot Krang-on-Michelangelo action.
In the stolen-from-other-blogs department, I have to say that mildly educational “stripz” like this make baby Jesus cry. Are they deliberately made to be so wooden, unfunny, and downright uninteresting? At least bullshit like this has the excuse that it’s just a well-made spoof (albeit a well-made spoof with snazzy licensed merchandise). Oh, by the way, what’s the deal with misspelling everything intended to be read by children? Are we actively trying to teach the young and stupid to pluralize things with a z?
Maybe you don’t think this MNFTIU comic is as funny as I do, in which case you’re a godless Communist. Have fun rotting in hell, you son of a bitch.
See you all in Boston tomorrow!
Snog fo teh Momnet: ¡Clandestino░ — Manu Chao
There you have it.
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Holy Crap. I definitely was confused and horrified until I read further into your blog and realized that site about Jesus was a hoax. Omy, lets just say that was hilarious!