My spirit of rest will consume the purest of souls! Ulmaguest!
Yeh, Boston was fun, I
November 11, 2003Yeh, Boston was fun, I suppose, while it lasted. I found a great deal of mirth in some stuff that caused others nothing but distress (thanks, Pour House!), met a random Esto dude who I know feel like I’ve known for years, and discovered that my best friend in the world might be a nifty machine manufactured by the Polaroid corporation. Drank a bunch too, looked at pictures, walked around with old friends, blah blah blah, the usual. Pictures to come, when I get around to it.
In other news, what really concerns me is my total lack of concern for my current situation. Kudrick, Chiu, me? Fuck if I know, and looks like ‘fuck if I care’, too. Am I too lazy to even bother pissing my existence away?
Song of the Moment: «Erase/Rewind» — The Cardigans
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Your lack of caring makes me sad and hungry.
Actually, it’s more of what God would’ve said if he cared… probably.
I’m going to check out Simmons College in Boston… I’ve heard its a kick ass college town. Truth? Falsehood? Appreciate your input…
glad you liked the pour house!
and tara, i’m not a college kid myself (yet), but it’s a kickass town (see: city) in general. that coming from liina’s sister… heh.
Mart sent me a wonderful package in Italy! Round of applause for Mart !! (Totally irrelevant as a “comment,” but…meh :-D)