Yeh, Boston was fun, I

November 11, 2003

Yeh, Boston was fun, I suppose, while it lasted. I found a great deal of mirth in some stuff that caused others nothing but distress (thanks, Pour House!), met a random Esto dude who I know feel like I’ve known for years, and discovered that my best friend in the world might be a nifty machine manufactured by the Polaroid corporation. Drank a bunch too, looked at pictures, walked around with old friends, blah blah blah, the usual. Pictures to come, when I get around to it.

In other news, what really concerns me is my total lack of concern for my current situation. Kudrick, Chiu, me? Fuck if I know, and looks like ‘fuck if I care’, too. Am I too lazy to even bother pissing my existence away?

Song of the Moment: «Erase/Rewind» — The Cardigans


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