Well, if I can manage

January 22, 2004

Well, if I can manage to not fuck this semester up like the last one, and if I forget about Dublin this summer and take some make-up humanities classes instead, then I can actually graduate as an ME this year. Thanks, Prof. Wei, for the registrational and 12-creditive judo you had to perform. Assuming all goes well, soon I’ll never bother you again.

Song of the Moment: «My Favourite Game» — The Cardigans


  • Laurel says:

    You might as well wait until the inflation madness subsides and Ireland is no longer the most expensive country in the eurozone to go to Dublin. Seriously, I wish I’d known that before I went.

  • Laurel says:

    You might as well wait until the inflation madness subsides and Ireland is no longer the most expensive country in the eurozone to go to Dublin. Seriously, I wish I’d known that before I went.

  • Laurel says:

    Oops. Should I say it AGAIN?

  • my2¢ says:

    You might as well wait until the inflation madness subsides and Ireland is no longer the most expensive country in the eurozone to go to Dublin. Seriously, I wish I’d known that before I went.

  • hille says:

    gooo mart! 2, 4, 6, 8, i can see you graduate!

  • if i can pass 10th grade, you can pass…16th!

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