Flames, gather and destroy! Asura!
OK, the world has officially
February 2, 2004OK, the world has officially gone mad, as of last April, when the following pictures were taken:
Look at the pictures carefully. I’m not going to continue until you’ve looked at them.
For reals.
Now you may be wondering if you really saw what you thought you saw. Yes, yes you did. A polar bear attacking a submarine. Wow.
Song of the Moment: «Everything Zen» — Bush
Posted 00:10 in General | 7 Comments
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Actually, I saw:
You don’t have permission to access /archives/08/08002209.jpg on this server.
So that made me mad. :)
Try the links again. I knew I saved copies of those pictures for a reason…
in case you haven’t heard, ants põldmäe died. just thought i’d let you know.
hiya mart! ya jerkface! proosit!
Liina, you have to stop going online drunk.
It was ENN!!! I just wrote ‘hiya mart!’ Why does everyone point their fingers at me???
simple: ’cause you’re the one that’s always drunk.