Conjurors seek truth in silence! Silence Song!
Amazon.com seems to have a
February 17, 2004Amazon.com seems to have a slight problem with dates.
Song of the Moment: «Don’t Forget to Breathe» — Beulah
Posted 23:47 in General | 6 Comments
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maybe you were ordering a time machine?
No, I was ordering Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVDs, which I don’t think come with a time machine. But if they do come with a time machine, they’re even cooler!
yay for aqua teen hunger force! one of these days i’ll get you to watch my dvd of UCB episodes.
that’s insane. what were you ordering? or was it you ordering?
I think you should link to my livejournal, unless you consider it unsuitable reading matter.
Sorry, Laurel, my omission has been rectified. I’ve just grown so used to using the livejournal ‘friends’ view for browsing livejournals that I’ve been neglecting those ‘Reading Matter’ links, which are only there for my own benefit anyway. Any use that others get out of them is ancillary.