The devil's spirit of restlessness... Split Punch!
Is air supposed to come
February 17, 2004Is air supposed to come out of my left eye when I blow my nose? This is starting to freak me out.
Anyway, it’s time for another idiotlist, I suppose; I remain too lazy to bother to explain things in any detail or to write in complete sentences.
- This is a little old, but that didn’t prevent me from laughing out loud at it.
- It’s too bad eBay keeps cancelling auctions like this one.
- If you can sing this, you’re a god on earth.
- Same goes for playing this, especially on the trumpet.
- More reasons to abstain from antibiotics.
And now I need some sleep. Stupid common cold.
Song of the Moment: «Piano Sonata nr. 15, Part 2: Andante» — Ludwig Van
Posted 18:10 in General | 3 Comments
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the two “god on earth” links came up empty—not even with a “not available” message to offer. but paganini, eh? good stuff.
I refuse to look at your profile. Although I hear it is excellent. But you know I am boycotting them so… I guess I will have to find someone to read it to me!
The Magic Flute song definitely goes higher than what I’m singing now. And also, this week my voice teacher said she thinks I might be a mezzo! Imagine that…