Deadly rumbles, strike from the sky! Heaven Thunder!
Well I’ll be damned. It
March 6, 2004Well I’ll be damned. It looks like Nina Jelen’s big brother Ben Jelen is in the process of making it big; you know, appearing on VH1 and that kind of thing. Good for him? Je crois que oui. “Come On“, which appears to be his ‘big song’, unfortunately sems to be Lite-FM-bound, but that could just be the production. Nobody needs that kind of string presence in a pop song. Judging from the comments on this blog, though, that sappiness might just be Ben’s ticket for the gravy train to… gravytown.
In other news:
- When will people learn to not trust the internet? After they got fired from their cushy jobs at a TV station, no doubt.
- Spam turned 10 yesterday. And today all my email consists of crap like “YOU WON A FREE VACATION” and “”want something?^ zyjhdfae”. Whee.
- My iRank is probably even lower than my PageRank. epenis--;
- Gates: ‘I Am A Stupid Nerd’. It costs money to send physical postage, and yet proportionately I get just as much physical spam as electronic. Donate computer time to distributed computing projects? That’s your prerogative. Force people to do so in order to be able to use email, one of the oldest uses of the intarweb? That’s bullshit. Who decides what projects are valid recipients of computer time, anyway? What if I think an X-Box decryption project is what I want to support, Bill?
- Lucasarts: ‘We Are Smacktards!’
Song of the Moment: «Superfly» — Curtis Mayfield
Posted 13:28 in General | 4 Comments
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I myself don’t blame Lucasarts for not going ahead with the (for lack of correct underlined font, I will resort to quotes) “Sam and Max” project — spoken as one that would, as generally, stoop to no cost (short of fiscal) to pirate said product. That said, I am currently looking into the current headliner of the this blog entry (trusting Mart as a definitive member of various musical vanguards); hence, my preemptive thanks, and best of luck to the fortunate soul advertised herein.
reviewing my own comment above, I would amend the the statement “stoop to cost” with the negative most likely inferred, thus reading: “stoop to no cost (short of…);;
thank you for your time and cooperation in this regard.
Alright: I didn’t put the double “the” in that last correction, and, sensing my own defeat by larger web forces, withdraw (albeit all too late) gracefully. My apologies too all.
Mart: You just scored two free comments via common Cooper banality (the horror, the horror).
Thanks for the comments — but that vaunted ‘Cooper banality’ now qualifies as ‘BU banality’, doesn’t it?