Well I’ll be damned. It

March 6, 2004

Well I’ll be damned. It looks like Nina Jelen’s big brother Ben Jelen is in the process of making it big; you know, appearing on VH1 and that kind of thing. Good for him? Je crois que oui.Come On“, which appears to be his ‘big song’, unfortunately sems to be Lite-FM-bound, but that could just be the production. Nobody needs that kind of string presence in a pop song. Judging from the comments on this blog, though, that sappiness might just be Ben’s ticket for the gravy train to… gravytown.

In other news:

Song of the Moment: «Superfly» — Curtis Mayfield


  • Cos says:

    I myself don’t blame Lucasarts for not going ahead with the (for lack of correct underlined font, I will resort to quotes) “Sam and Max” project — spoken as one that would, as generally, stoop to no cost (short of fiscal) to pirate said product. That said, I am currently looking into the current headliner of the this blog entry (trusting Mart as a definitive member of various musical vanguards); hence, my preemptive thanks, and best of luck to the fortunate soul advertised herein.

  • Cos says:

    reviewing my own comment above, I would amend the the statement “stoop to cost” with the negative most likely inferred, thus reading: “stoop to no cost (short of…);;

    thank you for your time and cooperation in this regard.

  • Cos says:

    Alright: I didn’t put the double “the” in that last correction, and, sensing my own defeat by larger web forces, withdraw (albeit all too late) gracefully. My apologies too all.

    Mart: You just scored two free comments via common Cooper banality (the horror, the horror).

  • Me says:

    Thanks for the comments — but that vaunted ‘Cooper banality’ now qualifies as ‘BU banality’, doesn’t it?

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