Run for your lives! Chicken Race!
Rolling on the Coast
April 14, 2004At first, I was going to post a happy update today. Something along the lines of ‘Kinder Eggs are Awesome!!’ I was going to include the following picture, and just leave it at that.
Maybe I’d have added a little disclaimer or something too, along the lines of “stay the fuck away from the post office during the week of April 15th”. But that would have been lighthearted and stuff, and nothing would have been wrong.
However, then I went and did very very poorly on my exam today, realized that I’ve been procrastinating a very very unhealthy amount in every class this semester despite promising myself (as always) that I’d get shit done on time this time (for once), and decided to dwell on my stupid angstfaggot problems involving the fairer sex just to round out my complaining.
For some reason I thought that smoking might cheer me up. It didn’t, really. Then for some reason I thought that buying the Kinks’ Ultimate Collection might cheer me up. It didn’t, really. Same with the Thrills’ So Much for the City and Beulah’s Yoko. Ah well.
However, it turns out that leaving suitably unhappy away messages up all day gets people to talk to you, and for that I’m grateful.
Song of the Moment: «Sunny Afternoon» — The Kinks
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