
April 27, 2004

I was reading up on John Kerry, specifically about his tour of duty in Vietnam. After all, he might be President next year and I think it’s generally considered a good idea for voters to inform themselves on stuff about the candidates they’re choosing between. Before I’d even begun to read the page, though, my eye was caught by something very off-putting:

Why does the logo there say “John Kerry, President” instead of “John Kerry For President”, as in the title of the page? It seems very weird and awfully presumptuous of him to have that as the logo on the top of every page of his official site. Obviously he didn’t make the picture or design the pages himself, but he has to have approved of them, and something about that feels wrong.

Also, what’s with his haircut? I mean, damn.

Song of the Moment: «Helvetin Hyvä Paimen» — CMX


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