Shimmering life-light, be a tower of power! All-ultima!
So long, and thank you for all the fishes
December 14, 2004OK, the 3000+ spam comments I’ve received in the past few weeks have made me decide that this will be the final entry of Kablammo!, at least as it appears in this incarnation.
It’s not like anybody reads this anyway, and it’s not like I’ve been updating it either, so it’s no big loss. I promise that I’ll fully intend to replace this movabletype installation with some kind of functional equivalent, one with less fucking comment spam. I hope you’re happy, “Online Poker” and “Vioxx Prescriptions”.
Anyway, the real reason I started writing this update was to announce that I’m a fucking idiot and an embarrassment to nerdkind. A week ago I had two opportunities to illegally record concerts by CMX, a Finnish band I particularly enjoy the music of. I saw them two nights in a row, and they were kind enough to play the exact same set list both nights, as if they were telling me “Come on! Your bootleg didn’t come out last night, but tonight you have a fresh opportunity!”
Of course, for both attempts I left the Automatic Gain Control of my iRiver h140 set to ‘Off’, resulting in absolutely unlistenable crap. (To give you a better idea of what I consider ‘unlistenable crap’, I enjoy the music of Guitar Wolf.) Just pure noise, and Roland asking me where the bathrooms were during a quiet part.
You’d think that, after one failed attempt, I’d have changed some recording settings at random or (God forbid!) run a couple of tests of recording loud stuff with different settings. I mean, Ring the FM was obviously right out.
It was an awesome weekend anyway, despite the fact that it was terrible and terribly awkward for some other reasons, but you don’t care, because you’re not even reading this, you’re just an automated program employed to send a bunch of junk data and advertisements to my cgi scripts. Asshole.
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