Master of all swords, cut energy! Night Sword!
Silver never gets golder
May 25, 2005I knew the “Db” in IMDb was quite extensive, but I never realized just how extensive it was. (Funny how the trivia, goofs, &c. sections for these movies are all nonexistent, though.)
Also interesting to note that evidently some franchises are evidently able to maintain a high-enough level of quality to warrant literally dozens of sequels. Rocky, in comparison, became simply depressing after, say, the third installment; and George Lucas should probably have had his hands broken and his eyes put out after Jedi was completed.
Oh, and this is by a wide margin the awesomest cloud ever:
Song of the Moment: «The Cemetary» — Architecture in Helsinki
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Sorry, man, but this most certainly is the coolest cloud ever:
I still like mine better, but in any case judging from these two pictures it would certainly appear that yesterday a whole bunch of clouds in various parts of the world decided woke up hungover and decided to fly about two miles closer to the ground than normal.
I guess there must have been a big cloud party on Monday night or something. Maybe it was the end of the cloud semester and all the Finnish clouds were returning to their homeland for the summer?
thats not a cloud, it’s cleverly designed camoflauge hiding a goddamn spaceship