In Existence.

July 10, 2005

Based on glowing recommendations like this one, I recently finagled myself a copy of DJ Z-Trip’s Uneasy Listening, Vol. 1.

I’m not going to lavish quite so much praise on it as some have, but I’ll say that I certainly enjoyed it. It seems to me not so much a masterwork of turntablism as a mix CD with extra drumbeats everywhere, and a very well put together mix (full of awesome juxtapositions and transitions) at that. This is not to disparage Z-Trip’s turntable skills, just to say that his choices of what songs to include and how to arrange them are simply awe-inspiring.

I can’t remember the last time a mix CD made me laugh out loud by being so goddamn clever, but Uneasy Listening accomplished just that a number of times.

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