They’re turning us into monsters

July 10, 2005

So it’s come to this: in little more than 32 hours I’m scheduled to be on an airplane heading to Warsaw. Tomorrow, I need to do the following:

  • Finalize moving out, which includes
    • …atoning for the fact that I’ve essentially been squatting here for a while, as my lease expired at the end of June
    • …finishing packing
    • …bringing a few hundred empty bottles to the recycling place for the deposits, or letting some homeless guy strike paydirt
    • …probably mopping my floor and stuff because it’s absolutely disgusting
  • Mail some stuff to myself, since everything doesn’t appear to fit in my suitcases
  • Buy last-minute gifts and such for people, including Meie Mees CDs, and leather-bound blank books
  • Get my ass to Tallinn
  • Figure out what I’m going to do until the airport opens in the morning
  • Say goodbye to all the people I managed to put off saying goodbye to
  • Kick myself for leaving absolutely everything to the last possible instant as always
  • EDIT: Return a library book

And here I am, posting on the internet instead of doing anything productive. Go me!

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