Ideas for Books

January 6, 2006

Do any of these sound like books worth reading? Or writing?

  • Standard Oil to Enron: American Energy Through the 20th Century
  • Jim Crow to Diebold: A History of American Disenfranchisement
  • OJ, Göring, Scopes: “The Trial of the Century” Through the Century


  • I’d be shocked if the first one didn’t exist already. I’d read Jim Crow to Diebold probably. The law one would probably bore and annoy me to death.

  • Märt says:

    The idea behind “the law one” isn’t so much the law aspect of Trials of the Century, more an examination of what makes a trial considered important, and why people would even pretend to consider the murder trial of a football player turned Leslie Nielsen costar the “Trial of the Century” in a century that also featured the Nuremberg Trials.

  • Aili says:

    I know it’s kind of a moot point but how can there be more than one “Trial of the Century” per century?

  • Celia says:

    I’d read the last one.

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