Heaven's wish to destroy all minds...Holy Explosion!
Scott McClellan
February 9, 2006Reuters: Cheney authorized aid (sic) to leak in CIA case – report
OK, it’s another article claiming (or at least insinuating) that high-level Administration officialdom is, or has been known to be, up to no good. With an Administration like the present one, that’s no big shocker.
Know what else isn’t a shocker? This, but also the following:
White House spokesman Scott McClellan declined to comment.
“Our policy is we’re not going to discuss this while there’s an ongoing legal proceeding,” McClellan told reporters.
I’m sure the staff writers at Reuters (or any other wire service or newspaper that ever discusses American politics) have the above-quoted passage saved as a keyboard macro.
Every one of Scott McClellan’s graceless and sweaty attempts to stonewall just makes me nostalgic for the good old days, when Ari Fleischer brought some dignity and artistry to the position of spokesweasel. Fleischer and his grab-bag of Aes-Sedai-style not-actually-lying tricks were always entertaining to see in action.
McClellan, on the other hand, is only worth watching if you enjoy trainwrecks, and seems even unhappier than the host of Supermarket Sweep.
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