Reason with confusion, judge with recklessness! Brave Insanity!
15 Things: Redux
July 19, 2006Around seven months ago I participated in a blog-meme that I saw in this blog post right here the day before and decided to emulate. Two days later, “Brian” made a meta-meme post, which included among other things a shitload of links to instances of the meme that had popped up in the three weeks since some guy initially came up with it. My blog was among those linked to.
I bring this up now because today I found out I’d had a visitor linked to from “Brian’s” blog. In the seven months that link has (presumably) been there in his blog post, nobody had (apparently) clicked it! Also, it seems that’s the only link to here from a blog, ever. I don’t know whether to be amused or saddened by that, so I guess I’ll just remain indifferent.
However, there are a couple things I mentioned in that post that I’d like to revisit:
- I still have yet to finish any of those books. I did, however, recently finish the autobiography of a quadriplegic recovering alcoholic.
- As it turns out, the name of that book is The Daddy Decision, and it has a solid five-star user rating on Amazon. So it must be a great book!
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