Something Happened

July 6, 2007

Alright, so it happened again. I suppose the question, then, is what is the pattern here and how can I try to forestall it from happening again.

It’s happened when I’ve been getting more than enough sleep; and when I’ve been rather sleep-deprived.

It’s happened in the depths of winter; and at the peak of summer.

It’s happened when I’ve seen my path drawing to an end, confronting me with a bewildering horizon of choice; and when I’ve seen a single unbranching track stretching off to infinity.

It’s happened alarmingly soon after I was sure everything was going to be fine.

It’s happened when I’ve been a slacker extraordinaire, and when I’ve been at my most diligent.

It’s happened when I’ve been drinking like a fish, and when I’ve been sober for a long time.

I wish I felt more upset about it, but I just want to take a nap.

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