Here's a drop of evil from me! Bio2!
Going to a party party
November 28, 2007On the bright side, I suppose I can rent a car now if I ever need to.
To make myself feel like a complete and utter failure (moreso than already—thanks, Celia ;) ), here is an idiotlist:
- Orson Welles was my age when he wrote, directed, produced, and starred in Citizen Kane, widely and correctly considered the best film ever. (It’s Terrific!)
- Paul McCartney was my age when he wrote “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” and he and his mates recorded Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, about which more need not be said.
- Albert Einstein was my age, and had my job, when he had his Annus Mirabilis, for which he was eventually awarded the Nobel Prize and repeatedly referenced on The Simpsons.
- Neil Young was my age when he released a solo album and an album with Crosby, Stills and Nash, in addition to touring with Crazy Horse (now available as an album as well).
- Ian Anderson was my age when J-Tull made Thick as a Brick.
- David Gilmour was my age when P-Floyd made Meddle.
- Georges-Pierre Seurat was my age when he began work on Un dimanche après-midi à l’ÃŽle de la Grande Jatte (A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte).
- Leandro Barbosa was my age (happy birthday, Leandro!) when he was the reigning holder of the NBA 6th Man Award, and a key player on the most exciting team in the league.
- Need I continue?
For the sake of fairness, however, here is a counterexamplelist:
- Eric Blair was my age when he was broke and unemployed, on the brink of eviction and starvation. He considered himself lucky to find a job washing dishes 80 hours a week, as he later described under an assumed name in Down and Out in Paris and London.
- Little help?
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