Smash all who hunger for destruction.... Confusion Song!
May 23, 2008According to the Associated Press, the world has gone topsy-turvy:
High gas prices drive farmer to switch to mules
MCMINNVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — High gas prices have driven a Warren County farmer and his sons to hitch a tractor rake to a pair of mules to gather hay from their fields. T.R. Raymond bought Dolly and Molly at the Dixon mule sale last year. Son Danny Raymond trained them and also modified the tractor rake so the mules could pull it.
T.R. Raymond says the mules are slower than a petroleum-powered tractor, but there are benefits.
“This fuel’s so high, you can’t afford it,” he said. “We can feed these mules cheaper than we can buy fuel. That’s the truth.”
And Danny Raymond says he just likes using the mules around the farm.
“We’ve been using them quite a bit,” he said.
Brother Robert Raymond added, “It’s the way of the future.”
As Thomas Edison once said, “We will make mules so inexpensive that only the rich will use tractors.” Or something to that effect, at least. I wonder what else the future has in store.
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Can’t help but to watch in amusement the rantings about the $4 gas in the US as we are paying ~$9 for a U.S. gallon equivalent.
Not that I own a car or would care about the issue…