August 29, 2008

So, as it turns out, a single Pilot V Razor Point lasts through less than two weeks of a full courseload. After around 80 pages of notes (some pages letter-sized, some legal) and a bunch of newspaper crossword puzzles, the pen ran out of ink and sputtered out completely.

Next up: a Pilot Razor Point. These are basically my favorite pens ever. Not only do they have a wonderfully thin line, but their look is a classic of industrial design. Everything, from the cheap feel, to the shiny-speckle color, to the yellow plastic ring on the cap, is absolutely perfect. I’ll see how long this one lasts.

In other news, while researching this post I discovered Pen Addiction and Pen Quest, two blogs that frankly scare me.

(Pictures from Pilot Pen)

1 Comment

  • Meghan says:

    As the absent-minded type of individual that I am, I’m less impressed with how quickly you depleted the ink and more impressed that you were able to hold onto the same pen for almost two entire weeks.

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