Nihilistic sky, inhale magic power...Bizen Boat!
On Recent History
September 30, 2009So it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Again. Sorry. Anyway, what follows here is a pictoral account of what I’ve been up to lately.
Posted 23:58 in General | 3 Comments
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Lately? More like “in the past several months of doing stuff” :)
Do those plane HUDs ever remind you of the world map for FF3? I constantly think of that game when I’m flying SAS.
Aw, Olive.
I’m not exactly sure who’s blog this is, but I have a special request. My name is mentioned in an entry from Sept. 9th 2003, and I’m hoping that it could be removed. It’s the first thing that shows up when you google my name, and that makes me nervous for job hunting reasons, etc. I’m not even exactly sure what the entry refers to, since I was at university in Halifax at the time and don’t recall any friendship/relationship drama with a mysterious esto-american. If you could enlighten me (or better yet, just delete the reference), that would be much appreciated.