In Existence.

July 10, 2005

Based on glowing recommendations like this one, I recently finagled myself a copy of DJ Z-Trip’s Uneasy Listening, Vol. 1.

I’m not going to lavish quite so much praise on it as some have, but I’ll say that I certainly enjoyed it. It seems to me not so much a masterwork of turntablism as a mix CD with extra drumbeats everywhere, and a very well put together mix (full of awesome juxtapositions and transitions) at that. This is not to disparage Z-Trip’s turntable skills, just to say that his choices of what songs to include and how to arrange them are simply awe-inspiring.

I can’t remember the last time a mix CD made me laugh out loud by being so goddamn clever, but Uneasy Listening accomplished just that a number of times.


July 6, 2005

So I’ve been spending a good deal of the past few days practicing Jose Luis Merlin’s “Evocacion” on guitar, and I’ll say I’ve learned two things (two things other than how to play the piece in question, that is).

  1. If you’re playing classical guitar, playing in the classic classical guitar position is actually a very good, helpful, and comfortable thing. Granted, if I’m drunkenly playing Radiohead songs I don’t really care how I hold my guitar (or whether it’s in tune, for that matter), but when each note played is of vital importance, you have to take certain measures.
  2. Alcohol really fucks with your fine motor skills. Granted, if I’m drunkenly playing Radiohead songs I don’t really care how well I finger/strum my guitar (or whether it’s in tune, for that matter), but when each note played is of vital importance, you have to take certain measures.

Song of the Moment: «Evocacion» — Jose Luis Merlin (performed by Jason Vieaux)

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