Innocent sword, slash evils and protect! Kiyomori!
May 1, 2004Days since the end of “major combat operations in Iraq” was declared: 366
Ratio of American troops in Iraq killed after this declaration to those killed before: 4.3:1
Number of American troops in Iraq killed during April 2003: 73
Number killed during April 2004: 138
Thanks for all the comment spam, Enn.
Song of the Moment: «Savoy Truffle» — The Beatles
Posted 01:40 in Drivel | 5 Comments
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Percentage of House Democrats who voted for the Iraq resolution: 19%
Percentage of Senate Democrats who voted for the Iraq resolution: 23%
I don’t think that’s a statistically significant difference, esp. considering the difference in size between the Senate and the House.
I was just illustrating the fact that the Democrats are equally responsible for the war in Iraq.
Well, what was the percentage of Republicans who voted for the resolution?
That’s irrelevant. Congress passed the resolution, not the Republican party.
Joke: Why did John Kerry cross the road?
It doesn’t matter; he already crossed back. JL