
May 1, 2004

Days since the end of “major combat operations in Iraq” was declared: 366
Ratio of American troops in Iraq killed after this declaration to those killed before: 4.3:1

Number of American troops in Iraq killed during April 2003: 73
Number killed during April 2004: 138

Thanks for all the comment spam, Enn.

Song of the Moment: «Savoy Truffle» — The Beatles


  • Anonymous says:

    Percentage of House Democrats who voted for the Iraq resolution: 19%

    Percentage of Senate Democrats who voted for the Iraq resolution: 23%

  • Anonymous says:

    I don’t think that’s a statistically significant difference, esp. considering the difference in size between the Senate and the House.

  • Anonymous says:

    I was just illustrating the fact that the Democrats are equally responsible for the war in Iraq.

  • Anonymous says:

    Well, what was the percentage of Republicans who voted for the resolution?

  • Anonymous says:

    That’s irrelevant. Congress passed the resolution, not the Republican party.

    Joke: Why did John Kerry cross the road?

    It doesn’t matter; he already crossed back. JL

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